
Dealing with Bloatware Can be a Giant Pain in the Neck

Dealing with Bloatware Can be a Giant Pain in the Neck

Purchasing new technology sure is exciting… until you realize that it comes preloaded with loads of software that not only slows your device down but could also be harmful or irritating to deal with. What can you do about this unneeded and unwanted software? We recommend that you read this blog to find out. (more…)

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Get the Right Communications Tools to Move Your Business Forward

Get the Right Communications Tools to Move Your Business Forward

At the end of the day, the tools you provide for your employees are going to make or break their productivity, so why not look at your employees, not as end users, but also customers? By examining the way that industry trends impact the decisions of consumers, you can implement more effective communication solutions that will allow your employees to...

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The Easy-to-Deploy ChromeOS Flex Might Be Right for Your Business

The Easy-to-Deploy ChromeOS Flex Might Be Right for Your Business

When you have been in business a long time, you start to accumulate old and outdated technology. Maybe you still have desktops running outdated operating systems that are sitting around in storage, waiting for their time to shine when an unexpected hardware failure strikes, or perhaps you have old laptops that have outlived their usefulness. A new operating system from...

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A Quick Look at Google Workspace

A Quick Look at Google Workspace

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • June 10, 2022
  • IT Blog

There are a ton of productivity suites out there, and we’ve all heard of the most common one, Microsoft Office. Still, there are other solutions out there, one of which is Google Workspace. What does Google Workspace offer, and what differentiates it from its competition? Let’s take a closer look and see if we can find the answer to this...

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The Modern CRM Offers Businesses Valuable Functionality

The Modern CRM Offers Businesses Valuable Functionality

Customer relationship management is an important facet of any operational business’ processes, which makes the benefits a CRM platform provides all the more needed, and welcomed. Let’s take a few minutes to review what these benefits look like, based on the features your CRM should provide.  (more…)

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Handy Shortcuts in Google Chat

Handy Shortcuts in Google Chat

Google Chat—the successor to Hangouts—offers a TON of features to its users, more so than most users probably realize. For instance, there are a lot of features buried under keyboard shortcuts. Let’s go over some of these shortcuts and what you can use them for in Google Chat. (more…)

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Patch Your Software to Avoid Being Breached

Patch Your Software to Avoid Being Breached

In the course of doing business everyone has their own specific responsibilities. One overarching responsibility that all employees need to have today is awareness. The health of a business depends on it. A staff’s failure to properly shoulder their load of security can have an immensely negative result for both the employee and the company. Today, we’re going to explain...

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Remote Desktop Has Some Serious Value

Remote Desktop Has Some Serious Value

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • January 21, 2022
  • Cloud

Your desktop infrastructure is one of the most important parts of your organization, and there are several ways to manage it. One way is through Desktop-as-a-Service, an option that can help you move away from the traditional workstation and embrace a new technology management philosophy. How might you get value out of this service? Let’s take a look at what...

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Tip of the Week: Maintaining Software that Fits Your Business

Tip of the Week: Maintaining Software that Fits Your Business

Businesses use different types of software to fulfill various tasks and functions throughout the workday, but there are certain practices you can implement today that can help you better manage your software solutions. Here are three ways your organization can take better care of its software infrastructure, regardless of industry or business size. (more…)

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WARNING: Log4j is a Serious Threat, and Your Business Needs to Act NOW

WARNING: Log4j is a Serious Threat, and Your Business Needs to Act NOW

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • December 20, 2021
  • Alerts

Log4j is a major vulnerability that has a widespread impact across a wide range of technology. We can’t stress how serious this is, and your business needs to take action right away. (more…)

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