
Tip of the Week: Fix Cybersecurity Sprawl to Improve Security Overall

Tip of the Week: Fix Cybersecurity Sprawl to Improve Security Overall

Cybersecurity is necessary for businesses to function, but when it turns to overreaching and overinvestment—a concept called cybersecurity sprawl—it becomes a problem. Today, we want to highlight some of the many challenges that can come about from cybersecurity sprawl, as well as how you can avoid it. (more…)

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Key Considerations for Your Asset Management Security

Key Considerations for Your Asset Management Security

Asset management security has become a critical concern for businesses. It's not just about protecting physical assets anymore. More assets than ever need to be safeguarded, but securing these assets is not straightforward. It involves a complex interplay of strategies, from attack surface management to cybersecurity compliance. Let's explore some key considerations when securing your asset management processes. (more…)

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How to Encourage Data Privacy Habits in Your Team Members

How to Encourage Data Privacy Habits in Your Team Members

In today's digital landscape, data breaches and privacy concerns are more prevalent than ever. Your team needs to protect important information by following data privacy practices, which also helps boost your company's reputation. It needs to be a part of your company culture. Here are effective strategies to encourage a culture of data security within your team. (more…)

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Your Network is Under Siege and Your Data is the Target

Your Network is Under Siege and Your Data is the Target

Data is pivotal in modern business operations, highly coveted by various parties. In today’s blog, we explore how everyone online seems eager to get their hands on your data. (more…)

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With Password Managers, You Only Have to Remember One Password

Password management is always a sticking point for businesses (and even individuals), but it doesn’t have to be as hard as you make it. With the increased risk of cybersecurity attacks and advanced threats, you cannot rely on one singular password as you may have once done. Instead, you need complex passwords housed in a password manager that makes remembering...

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What is Personally Identifiable Information?

What is Personally Identifiable Information?

Personally identifiable information—or PII—is critically important data for individuals and businesses, not only because operations rely on many of these data points but there are also significant circumstances for losing it. Of course, to properly protect PII, you need to know what the umbrella term of PII includes. (more…)

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Understanding the Fundamentals of Cybersecurity Can Make a Difference

Understanding the Fundamentals of Cybersecurity Can Make a Difference

Prioritizing cybersecurity is mandatory for all business owners, but many don’t know where to start. As a result, many businesses deal with cybersecurity issues that can put them behind and even ruin a good thing. In today’s blog, we provide a guide that explains the basics of cybersecurity for anyone to follow. (more…)

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5 Ways to Avoid Cyberattacks while Traveling

5 Ways to Avoid Cyberattacks while Traveling

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • April 29, 2024
  • Security

There are plenty of reasons why you might have employees working while out and about on travel, whether it’s for conferences, professional development sessions, or otherwise. Traveling with technology can be stressful and dangerous, though, particularly if you aren’t taking preventative measures. Today, we want to discuss what you can do to keep your entire team’s technology safe while they...

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Your Employees are Being Targeted By Phishing. Don’t Take the Bait!

Your Employees are Being Targeted By Phishing. Don’t Take the Bait!

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • April 22, 2024
  • Security

It’s hard to tell people that “we are under attack” all the time and actually mean it. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, the more you tell people they are under threats that don’t actually affect them, the more distrust or even disdain develops for the issuer of these revelations. Second, people will never actually understand that...

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Explaining Zero Trust Policies

Explaining Zero Trust Policies

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • April 17, 2024
  • Security

With the threat landscape littered with companies that don’t take their IT security seriously, it's hardly surprising that many are embracing what's known as a zero-trust policy to fortify their security measures. What exactly does zero-trust entail, and why does it prove so formidable in thwarting potential risks for your enterprise? Let's delve into this topic in today's blog post....

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