
Why Software Patches Can’t Be Back-Burnered

Why Software Patches Can’t Be Back-Burnered

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • January 13, 2021
  • Security

Your software is an important, even crucial, part of your business’ security considerations. After all, a software title with security issues could be the access point that hackers and scammers need. This is precisely why software updates and security patches are so important to keep up on. Let’s consider this in a little more detail. (more…)

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3 Apps That Are the New Face of Collaboration

3 Apps That Are the New Face of Collaboration

Collaboration is central to most business’ production strategies nowadays. It’s no secret that businesses are doing more with less and in order to coordinate resources that are stretched thin, companies are looking to collaborative software titles. Today, we will briefly go through three of the most popular collaboration apps to give you an idea of what they can bring to...

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Comparing Sheets and Excel for Your Consideration

Spreadsheet-generation software is one of those tools that effectively offers all businesses some level of utility. Having said that, different business circumstances may lead to one title being a better option for your operations. Let’s compare Microsoft Excel to Google Sheets to see which one may work better for you, based on selected features and processes. Creating a Spreadsheet To...

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Three Technology Trends We’ve Witnessed so Far

Businesses are increasingly adopting more advanced technologies to benefit their operations. We’ve seen a few of these technologies really come into the public eye this year. That’s why we wanted to take some time and review these tools and time-saving solutions with you: to tell you about ways that your business procedures can improve through their implementation. Blockchain Perhaps most...

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Shadow IT Is a Problem, or Is It?

There has been a lot made about business network security over the past couple of years. One variable you often hear about is the danger that businesses face from the prevalence of employee-downloaded software on their network. This is what we call Shadow IT, and it can be a real problem. Conversely, under the right circumstances it can be a...

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How Can Customer Relationship Management Elevate Your Business?

Businesses deal in relationships. They have to create a relationship with their clients and customers to keep them coming in the door, whether they are serving other business needs or consumer ones. Of course, it can be hard enough to manage all of the relationships in one’s personal life… how can one possibly add business relationships into the mix? This...

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Patching in Cloud-Hosted Software

Ever since it started to be looked on as a reliable computing option for businesses, cloud computing has been exceedingly popular. Businesses and individuals use cloud computing platforms for their infrastructure needs, their application deployment, their file sharing and storage, and for redundancy to protect their business, but have you ever wondered how the cloud platforms themselves are kept up...

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Tip of the Week: Managing Your Project Starts With You

Project management is key to the success of all businesses. Luckily, there are great software options that can do a lot for you, if used correctly. Today, we look at project management and share tips to help make sure you are using the software correctly, further organizing your business and success of projects. While there are many options available, getting...

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The Top 4 Technology Issues Every Business Must Plan For

Managing a business is difficult enough without technology issues getting in the way of operations. Therefore, when an issue does pop up in a company’s IT, it can be a very frustrating experience for everyone involved. Here are a few common issues that have been known to trip up businesses more than they should. Data leaks and security issues: Considering...

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Make Sure You Are Using Supported Software

Any organization that is running unpatched versions of older Windows operating systems is playing with fire… period. Therefore, it’s your prerogative to make sure you’re adequately protecting your business’ data, and one of the most important ways you can do this is by ensuring your infrastructure is properly maintained. Why Are Windows Updates So Important? Windows is a complicated operating...

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