
Understanding the Fundamentals of Cybersecurity Can Make a Difference

Understanding the Fundamentals of Cybersecurity Can Make a Difference

Prioritizing cybersecurity is mandatory for all business owners, but many don’t know where to start. As a result, many businesses deal with cybersecurity issues that can put them behind and even ruin a good thing. In today’s blog, we provide a guide that explains the basics of cybersecurity for anyone to follow. (more…)

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The Department of Homeland Security Outlines the Responsible Use of AI

The Department of Homeland Security Outlines the Responsible Use of AI

Artificial intelligence has become one of the most talked-about technologies throughout every sector of society. It’s being widely used in business, education, and civic life. We want to focus on the latter element and discuss how the U.S. Department of Homeland Security is using AI to improve its ability to keep Americans safe.  (more…)

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Do Cybercriminals Have You in Their Sights?

Do Cybercriminals Have You in Their Sights?

We focus a lot of time and effort on securing our clients with our cutting-edge tools and industry best practices. Our adversaries, the hackers, on the other hand, have come to understand that the way they will be successful is to get their contrived messages in front of the least knowledgeable people in your organization. Let’s take a look at...

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5 Ways to Avoid Cyberattacks while Traveling

5 Ways to Avoid Cyberattacks while Traveling

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • April 29, 2024
  • Security

There are plenty of reasons why you might have employees working while out and about on travel, whether it’s for conferences, professional development sessions, or otherwise. Traveling with technology can be stressful and dangerous, though, particularly if you aren’t taking preventative measures. Today, we want to discuss what you can do to keep your entire team’s technology safe while they...

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Your Employees are Being Targeted By Phishing. Don’t Take the Bait!

Your Employees are Being Targeted By Phishing. Don’t Take the Bait!

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • April 22, 2024
  • Security

It’s hard to tell people that “we are under attack” all the time and actually mean it. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, the more you tell people they are under threats that don’t actually affect them, the more distrust or even disdain develops for the issuer of these revelations. Second, people will never actually understand that...

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Explaining Zero Trust Policies

Explaining Zero Trust Policies

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • April 17, 2024
  • Security

With the threat landscape littered with companies that don’t take their IT security seriously, it's hardly surprising that many are embracing what's known as a zero-trust policy to fortify their security measures. What exactly does zero-trust entail, and why does it prove so formidable in thwarting potential risks for your enterprise? Let's delve into this topic in today's blog post....

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You Need to Address Your Employees’ Cybersecurity Knowledge

You Need to Address Your Employees’ Cybersecurity Knowledge

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • April 12, 2024
  • Security

It's remarkable, but if you were to assess the greatest threats to your business, your users would likely rank high on that list. Human error poses a significant challenge to your security because cybercriminals exploit your employees' fallibility and proneness to mistakes. (more…)

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Three Variables to Address to Fix Your IT Budget

Three Variables to Address to Fix Your IT Budget

Concerns over operational expenses, particularly regarding technology, weigh heavily on many business owners. For some, these expenses can spiral out of control, leading to financial problems in vital areas of the organization. Every business needs to ask how it can rectify its IT spending to bring on a culture of overall improvement. (more…)

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How to Identify and Avoid Phishing Tactics

How to Identify and Avoid Phishing Tactics

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • March 29, 2024
  • Security

One of the most dangerous types of threats is the many phishing scams you and your employees could fall victim to. While it might be tempting to poke fun at the people who succumb to seemingly obvious phishing attacks, the reality of the matter is that some phishing attacks are anything but, and they are only growing more sophisticated over...

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Insurance Companies are Starting to Require Cybersecurity—What Do I Do?

Insurance Companies are Starting to Require Cybersecurity—What Do I Do?

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • March 28, 2024
  • Security

Cybersecurity is quickly becoming one of the leading risks that businesses of all shapes and sizes face. Cyberattacks are expensive, they risk your continuity, and they could even get you in hot water when it comes to compliance regulations, local and state regulations, and virtually any entity you are associated with. It might feel like this is an insurance company’s...

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