Tip of the Week

Tip of the Week: Doing More With the Windows Key

First introduced in 1994 as only the second piece of hardware produced by Microsoft, a new keyboard that came with Windows 95 was where the Windows key first debuted. Now, the Windows key (also known as the “Win Key”) is an extremely useful tool for the user who is aware of its capabilities. We wanted to briefly go over some...

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Tip of the Week: How to Differentiate Work and Personal Accounts on Android

With Bring Your Own Device solutions becoming more popular, you want to be completely sure that your data is safe while also ensuring that you aren’t interfering with your employees’ personal use of their devices. This week, our tip will cover how you can do so with the help of Android’s work profiles feature. First, let’s review the balance between...

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Tip of the Week: Restore Your Android Apps

Let’s say you have an Android device and you want to port your applications and data to a new Android device. For this week’s tip, we will take you through the process of migrating your data from one Android device to another. You don’t actually have to have a new device to follow along here, as it is the same...

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Tip of the Week: Organization is Key

One of the earliest memories I can remember is being relentlessly reminded “organization is the key to success”.  While it might have been a comedic expression to say while cleaning up the house, becoming a business owner has undoubtedly caused organization to become more of a strategy rather than an obsession. Today, we thought we would share some strategies how...

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Tip of the Week: Upping Your Efficiency with Email

Your business email is a very useful tool, if used properly. Unfortunately, there are plenty of ways that your email can also serve as a major time sink. For this week’s tip, we wanted to explore a few ways to help keep email useful, rather than distracting and stressful. Use Alternative Means of Communication Sure, you have email… but that...

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Tip of the Week: Effectively Training Your Staff

Today’s businesses are looking to build the most efficient processes they can. In order for that to happen, the people that your business depends on will need to know what is expected of them. The only way they will be able to produce the desired results is if they are properly trained. This week, we’ll be going over a few...

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Tip of the Week: How to Use Email More Efficiently

Email is almost certainly the most well-known solution that your business uses, so most users probably feel as though they have a pretty good handle on it. However, many of them are probably making things more difficult for themselves - and taking more time than they need to on it. This week, we’ll go over some easy tips to make...

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Tip of the Week: How to Identify (and Foil) a Phishing Attack

Phishing has been gaining notoriety in cybersecurity circles, as it has been used quite successfully in a variety of business infiltrations and data breaches. Many of the more well-known cyberattacks of the last few years were enabled by phishing. In order to protect your business’ interests, you and your team need to be able to identify these social engineering attempts....

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Tip of the Week: Signatures Are More Than Just Your Name

Signatures are unique to the signatory. With the introduction and acceptance of electronic signatures, personalizing your signature has become more difficult. However, did you know introducing something as simple as a Gmail signature can give some credibility to your business communications? First, let’s take a look at how to create the signature. This is a quick and easy task. Open...

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Tip of the Week: Two Taskbar Tips

Microsoft Windows is run on a majority of business computers. As a result, having a good understanding of some of the features that will make using the software easier is beneficial. This week, we will go over some things you can do with the taskbar that will make navigating your computer easier. Highlight Folders Most people’s work only requires them...

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