Tip of the Week

How to Stop Viruses (and Bacteria!) Lurking on Your Computer

It only makes sense that a managed service provider would have a blog post discussing virus removal from a workstation, but today, we wanted to talk about a different virus, one that your antivirus software won’t affect in the slightest: SARS-CoV-2, or as it is better known now, COVID-19. Bacteria and viruses (including COVID-19, but also many others) thrive in...

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Tip of the Week: 2 Ways Cloud Computing Can Fuel Productivity

These days, we use a lot of cloud platforms. They can enhance productivity through improving access, and they allow a business to do more with their capital. For this week’s tip, we thought we’d look at two ways the cloud can help your business excel with its newly-remote workforce. Utilizing Remote Access With the COVID-19 outbreak making things difficult for...

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Tip of the Week: Security Best Practices for All Business Sizes

Whether you’re referring to ransomware, phishing, data theft, spoofing, any of the many forms of cybercrime, it is something that all businesses need to prepare themselves for. While different business sizes will have differing scales to contend with, these kinds of preparations will involve the same basic principles. To help you best defend your company against cybercrime, here are a...

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Tip of the Week: Video Conferencing, Done Better

Video conferencing has become a staple in the workplace, especially as social distancing encourages teams to remain at home and collaborate remotely. Considering this, it only seemed prudent to dedicate this week’s tip to how to use video conferencing more effectively. Setup Properly When you need to work from home and join a video conference, you and your surroundings should...

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Tip of the Week: Browsing More Productively with Chrome on Android

It is safe to say that the concept of productivity has long been a priority to businesses, so much so that it spurred on a variety of the recognizable innovations that businesses profit from today. This includes the development of mobile browsing, especially where the Android version of Chrome comes in. Here, we wanted to share a few tips to...

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Tip of the Week: A New Way to Be Productive

We’ve all been there before: looking at our schedule and finding that something has been added to our day, with little-to-no context to describe what it is we are supposed to do. This is not the kind of thing that leads to a productive office and a productive working environment. That’s why we’re sharing how to start each of your...

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Tip of the Week: Streamlining Your Workstation for Focused Productivity

Productivity is generally included in any company’s list of priorities, and among those, it generally ranks somewhat near the top. With workplaces beginning to open with very different processes than what they are used to, productivity may be a little challenging to maintain. That’s why, for this week’s tip, we’re sharing one way you can hit the ground running at...

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Tip of the Week: Three Keys to Time Management

“We have so much time and so little to do. Strike that, reverse it.” – Willy Wonka, as written by Roald Dahl. Time is perhaps the most finite resource there is, especially when it comes to business productivity. Whether your team is working in the office or remotely, it is important that that spend their available time wisely. Here, we’ve...

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Tip of the Week: Communication Practices to Support Your Business

Nowadays, there is little more important to a business than communication, especially when it comes to keeping your clients and customers in the loop. Even in the best of times, this kind of communication is critical. Let’s review a few communication best practices that you and your team should always keep in mind for this week’s tip. 1.  Use the...

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