Tip of the Week

Tip of the Week: How to Secure Your Business’ Credit Card Transactions

Tip of the Week: How to Secure Your Business’ Credit Card Transactions

A major concern for your business is protecting the credit card data you collect from your customers and clients, but you also need to ensure that the company credit card you use to make purchases is secure. Here are some tips, tricks, and best practices you can use to keep this incredibly important asset safe and secure. (more…)

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Tip of the Week: 5 Tips to Help You Keep Your Computer in Good Shape

Tip of the Week: 5 Tips to Help You Keep Your Computer in Good Shape

The modern computer is a marvel, but they can be quite the investment. It stands to reason that when you purchase new hardware—whether it be for yourself or your business—that you should want it to last as long as possible. For this week’s tip, we wanted to go through five things you can do to protect your computer from wear...

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Tip of the Week: Typing Through Dictation

Tip of the Week: Typing Through Dictation

Sometimes the last thing you want to do is type on your keyboard, especially if you have already been doing it just about all day. In cases like this, you can give your fingers a break and use Microsoft Word’s dictation features to “write” by speaking into your device’s microphone. Let’s go over how you can use this feature on...

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Tip of the Week: Switching Your Default Android Browser

Tip of the Week: Switching Your Default Android Browser

Chances are that, if you are a user of an Android device, you prefer Google Chrome as your mobile web browser. However, did you know that you can change your default web browser to a different one? All you have to do is know which browsers are available to use; then all it takes is a quick settings adjustment! (more…)

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Tip of the Week: Ways to Improve Your Workplace Focus

Tip of the Week: Ways to Improve Your Workplace Focus

While we all like to think we are paragons of productivity, the reality of the matter is that it’s far too easy to become distracted while trying to get work done. How do you stay focused when there are so many distractions out there? It all starts with controlling your environment and changing the way you approach these distractions. (more…)

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Tip of the Week: Using Filters to Organize Your Inbox

Tip of the Week: Using Filters to Organize Your Inbox

While email has remained a major communication tool for businesses for quite some time, a lot of us might still be struggling to keep it organized. Alternatively, a lot of us may have just given up, allowing our inboxes to become a virtual dump of old communications and check-ins. Fortunately, with a little bit of time now, you can turn...

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Tip of the Week: Use Dark Mode to Go Easy on your Eyes

Tip of the Week: Use Dark Mode to Go Easy on your Eyes

Staring at a bright computer screen all day can bother your eyes, especially if it’s done on a routine basis. We know that staying away from computers and devices is something that we cannot really get away from in the business environment, but you can take steps to make it more manageable and easier on your eyes through the use...

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Tip of the Week: Customizing Application Volumes

Tip of the Week: Customizing Application Volumes

There are a lot of different notification sounds that the average office worker needs to listen for as they’re hard at work. However, these notifications can often be drowned out by other applications. To help prevent this, we wanted to go over how you can adjust the volume levels of some of your individual applications. (more…)

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Tip of the Week: Curtail Burnout with These Useful Tips

Tip of the Week: Curtail Burnout with These Useful Tips

Burnout is a serious problem in the business environment, and if you are not careful, it can have profound effects on operations, productivity, and profitability in the long term. If you suspect that your employees are experiencing symptoms of burnout, you need to act on these symptoms and implement policies to protect your team from… well, themselves. (more…)

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Tip of the Week: How (and Why) to Find Your IMEI on Android

Tip of the Week: How (and Why) to Find Your IMEI on Android

Wouldn’t it be nice if you had an easy way to track your device even if it were lost or stolen? Thankfully, this feature exists to an extent for Android devices in the form of the IMEI, or international mobile equipment identity number. If you know this number, you could potentially help mitigate the issues that losing a device can...

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