
Questions to Consider Before Shifting to the Cloud

Questions to Consider Before Shifting to the Cloud

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • September 16, 2022
  • Cloud

The cloud can be a tricky beast to tame for your business, and it is mostly because of all the options you have at your fingertips to help your organization be as successful as possible with it. Let’s discuss some of the questions you need to ask to ensure you get the best value out of your cloud-based solutions. (more…)

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Cloud Computing Could Change Your Business Completely

Cloud Computing Could Change Your Business Completely

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • July 20, 2022
  • Cloud

The cloud provides businesses with all kinds of ways to be more productive throughout the workday, and while it’s great in most cases for companies that want to be more intentional with their infrastructures and budgets, there are certain cloud solutions that will be effective no matter what industry or professional endeavors you pursue. (more…)

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What You Have to Do to Make Your Cloud Migration Go Smoothly

What You Have to Do to Make Your Cloud Migration Go Smoothly

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • July 18, 2022
  • Cloud

The cloud can be a wonderful asset for a business that utilizes it well—particularly if the business can move much of its IT workload to the provider. For organizations that are considering migration to the cloud, we have some helpful tips and tricks to make the process easier than ever. (more…)

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Is Cloud Computing a Decent Option for the Cash-Strapped Business?

Is Cloud Computing a Decent Option for the Cash-Strapped Business?

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • April 29, 2022
  • Cloud

Exploring how to fuel your business’ data needs typically comes down to whether or not you have the outstanding capital to purchase and manage your own IT infrastructure or if you are looking to utilize utility computing in the cloud to facilitate all of your business’ IT needs. This week, we thought we’d briefly discuss the pros and cons of...

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Cloud Platforms are Deteriorating the Need for Onsite Computing

Cloud Platforms are Deteriorating the Need for Onsite Computing

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • January 24, 2022
  • Cloud

Cloud computing has been a major topic of discussion in the business world, but many IT professionals have been skeptical of the practice over the years due to security concerns and issues with management. However, technology advancements have allowed businesses to implement cloud computing in previously unforeseen ways, leading to more convenient, flexible, and affordable solutions as a whole. (more…)

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Remote Desktop Has Some Serious Value

Remote Desktop Has Some Serious Value

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • January 21, 2022
  • Cloud

Your desktop infrastructure is one of the most important parts of your organization, and there are several ways to manage it. One way is through Desktop-as-a-Service, an option that can help you move away from the traditional workstation and embrace a new technology management philosophy. How might you get value out of this service? Let’s take a look at what...

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3 Major Benefits Business See From Cloud Computing

3 Major Benefits Business See From Cloud Computing

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • January 14, 2022
  • Cloud

If you have to rely on remote workers as a small business, you might fear what they represent to your operations: a lack of control, security challenges, and of course, productivity issues. However, in today’s remote workplace, it is important to acknowledge that remote workers played a critical role in saving countless organizations throughout the course of the pandemic. (more…)

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Cloud-Hosted Tools Your Business Should Consider

Cloud-Hosted Tools Your Business Should Consider

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • June 11, 2021
  • Cloud

The cloud has provided organizations with countless ways to innovate and improve operations, but for those who are just now jumping on this great opportunity, you might have some questions about how to get the most out of the cloud or how to even get started. Let’s discuss some of the major benefits of cloud computing, as well as why...

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Cloud Hardware is More Popular Than Ever. Here’s Why

Cloud Hardware is More Popular Than Ever. Here’s Why

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • January 22, 2021
  • Cloud

Each business uses a certain amount of technology to get things done, but today, no technology is as important to businesses as the Internet. You’ve begun to see businesses of all sizes spending thousands of dollars a month on Software-as-a-Service platforms designed to get workers the tools they need without placing undue pressure on a company’s capital budget. Today, we...

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Powerful Project Tools in the Cloud

  • By Rafiq Masri
  • November 2, 2020
  • Cloud

Business workforces are shifting and it’s undeniable that a business’ IT has to shift with it. This can leave users maneuvering through their day using all types of different tools. This can tax an IT administrator. One solution that can be used for several purposes and can help almost any project-fueled business is Microsoft SharePoint. Today, we talk about the...

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