Each business uses a certain amount of technology to get things done, but today, no technology is as important to businesses as the Internet. You’ve begun to see businesses of all sizes spending thousands of dollars a month on Software-as-a-Service platforms designed to get workers the tools they need without placing undue pressure on a company’s capital budget. Today, we will talk about another cloud-based platform that is growing rapidly: Infrastructure-as-a-Service.
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) is where companies effectively lease processing and storage in the cloud. Traditionally, organizations that needed computing would need to purchase and maintain servers, but today they can look to the cloud for all of their computing needs. The market for virtualized processing and storage in the cloud is growing rapidly, and now sits at over $100 billion.
For years, companies could take advantage of cloud computing by purchasing what is called a hosted desktop. This solution would host all of the software a company needs on a server in a data center and though a dashboard, users could sign in and use the programs. Over the years, application development has gotten more sophisticated and massive investments by some of the world’s largest companies have resulted in services being produced that allows organizations the ability to set up their computing infrastructure any way they see fit in the cloud. Amazon, Google, and Microsoft are leading the charge, delivering companies with services that span the gamut of modern computing.
IaaS delivers on-demand computing resources that a company needs without massive upfront costs and the waste that many enterprise computing infrastructures usually have. Businesses can acquire exactly the amount of computing they need, and do so while enjoying the following benefits:
Is your business looking to take advantage of the immense value of IaaS? If you would like to have a consultation with one of our IT professionals about getting the computing tools your business needs, give us a call today at 888-748-2525.