
With Deepfakes, Seeing Shouldn’t Be Believing

Machine learning and artificial intelligence have enabled us to accomplish great things with the computers we have access to today. However, it is equally true that these same innovations have also produced a great number of threats. One threat that is particularly dangerous in today’s day and age is the presence, and growing prevalence, of “deepfakes” in the media. What...

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Taking a Look at Facebook’s Recent Controversies

The past few years certainly haven’t been very good for Facebook. After going public in 2012, Facebook acquired several organizations and applications to make waves in the market. The company is now responsible for a considerable amount of data, which has led to several data breaches, exacerbating the media and creating skepticism toward the social media giant. Even though Mark...

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Learning Coding is Simple with the Right Resources

Regardless of whether or not you handle this facet of your business for yourself, the knowledge of how to code is becoming increasingly useful - and there are more and more resources available to help you gain this knowledge. Below, we review some that you may consider leveraging to improve some of your skills. The ability to code (or at...

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Where Does All That Lost Data Go?

The facts are that data is lost, data is stolen, and you have no idea where it has gone. You may come to find out where subsequently, but many times, personal information isn’t much like a cat: once it goes away, you’ll likely never see it again. Today, we will look at the seedy underbelly of the Internet in search...

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How Exactly Is the GDPR Working to Incorporate Blockchain?

Now that the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)--the most comprehensive individual data protection law in history--has gone into effect, it is important to know where your business stands in regard to your potential liability. One technology that has a rather lot of ambiguity surrounding it is blockchain, which is essentially an encrypted and distributed digital ledger. How is...

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Knowing, and Planning For, Your Organization’s Compliance Burden

Despite what detractors say, regulations are in place for good reason. They typically protect individuals from organizational malfeasance. Many of these regulations are actual laws passed by a governing body and cover the entire spectrum of the issue, not just the data involved. The ones that have data protection regulations written into them mostly deal with the handling and protection...

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Cyberbullying is a Serious Issue Everywhere

As technology has evolved, so have our capabilities of using it. While this has led to great improvements in how we can live our lives, it has also made it much easier for us to torment and harass one another. This is a huge problem, and growing, so it is important to know how to take a stand against it...

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Lights, Camera, A.I. – Comparing Hollywood to Reality

There is no doubt artificial Intelligence is a growth field. Developers in countless industries are trying to leverage a machine learning program into better profits, but for practical use A.I. is seemingly limited. One place where A.I. has been impressive is in the cinema. A.I. may be just starting to play a big part in business, but it’s been a...

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How Sports Have Gotten Smarter

Athletics are a time-honored tradition, both for athletes and spectators. As time has passed, these bouts of physical skill and prowess have gradually adopted some technological aspects to improve the experience of the game for all. Now, smart technology has a key position on almost any playing field. Let’s review some of the ways that sports have improved through the...

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Ransomware Attack Strikes Atlanta

Ransomware can target all kinds of entities, but one of the most devastating attacks in recent memory was launched against Atlanta, Georgia earlier this year. Atlanta suffered from an incredibly sustained and powerful ransomware attack that disabled much of the municipal government. The attack itself has been linked to a sinister group that pays particularly close attention to its targets....

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