
It wasn’t too long ago that in order for business technology to be fixed, or to undergo general maintenance, it either needed to be brought to a specialist’s location or for the specialist to come to yours. Nowadays, this isn’t so much the case. As we continue our blog series on the benefits offered by a managed service provider, let’s consider the support options available.

What Sets Managed Support Apart?

A quick comparison between the traditional approach to support and a managed service provider’s methodology should make the benefits of the latter option clear.

With traditional support, a user would discover a problem with their technology that prevented them from efficiently being able to accomplish their goals. After a phone call to their provider, a technician would travel over to check up on the problem. After a while, they would have identified it, and determined if it could be repaired with the tools they had. If so, the technician would do so, racking up hourly fees until solution was no longer a problem. In the meantime, the user would wait, accomplishing nothing. If the technician didn’t have what was needed to resolve the problem, the solution would have to be brought back to the repair shop… again, leaving the employee unable to do their job.

On the other hand, a managed service provider could be called and – while still on the phone – remotely access the problematic solution to hopefully diagnose and resolve the issue.

One certainly seems more efficient than the other, doesn’t it?

Onsite Support Isn’t Eliminated

In all fairness, it is important to address that not all issues will be able to be remotely resolved, so a managed service provider may send a technician over to a business if necessary. However, with remote troubleshooting having already taken place, issues can be fixed much more efficiently. Plus, if the issue will take a long time to fix, a managed service provider may be able to swap out the troublesome solution for a fresh one, returning you to full operations.

Keep Your Employees Productive with Reliable Support Services

If your technology is creating more of a problem in your operations than it is helping them, give NetMGM a call. A managed service provider can help ensure your team has the assistance they need to accomplish their goals, confident that they can reach out for help if its needed. Keep an eye on this blog for the next part in this series, and don’t hesitate to reach out at 888-748-2525 for more information.


6 Reasons to Leverage Managed Services: 2. Support Options

Rafiq Masri

With over 25 years of experience in Information Technology, Rafiq is one of the most accomplished, versatile and certified engineer in the field. He has spent the past 2 ½ decades administering and supporting a wide range of clients and has helped position Network Management, Inc. as a leader in the IT Managed Services space.

Rafiq has built a reputation for designing, building and supporting top notch IT infrastructures to match the business objectives and goals of his clients.

Embracing the core values of integrity, innovation, and reliability, Rafiq has a very loyal client base with some customer relationships dating back 20+ years.

Rafiq holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan and has completed graduate programs in Software Engineering and Business at Harvard and George Mason University. Rafiq is a former founder and CEO of Automation, Inc. in Ann Arbor, Michigan as well as a valued speaker on entrepreneurship and technology at industry events such as ExpoTech and others.